
Should I Be Following a Lawn Program?

Lawn Care Plan

Many lawn products and programs are focused on short-term bursts of green in your lawn, and do not address the issues that result in unhealthy grass plants.  If left unaddressed, these problems will get worse each year, leaving your lawn vulnerable to bugs, and allowing brown/bare spots and weeds to overtake your yard!

Lawn Plan

But, there is good news: by following a consistent, tailored program, you can greatly improve the health of the underlying soil ecosystem, fortifying your soil and nourishing your lawn to build a beautiful landscape!

Benefits of following a consistent lawn plan (like ours here at Lawn Serv!) include:

  • Less fertilizer:  consistent application of the right fertilizers at the right time boosts your lawn’s ability to absorb the nutrients it needs to grow naturally.  As a result, you can drastically reduce the need for large amounts of fertilizer to get the same results!
  • Less pesticides:  consistency in your lawn program will build stronger, more resilient plants, crowding out weeds and bugs, and allowing you to reduce overall pesticide use.
  • Less water:  a consistent lawn program grows thicker, stronger, healthier root systems that access water and nutrients deeper in the soil.  These healthier plants are also able to retain more water, leading to much more efficient use of water.
  • Eliminate runoff:  by applying smaller, more consistent amounts of nutrients for your lawn—focusing only on the nutrients that your lawn actually needs, identified through a comprehensive soil test—you are greatly reducing any potential runoff.

The even better news?  Following a lawn plan is not difficult!  There are some basic steps that you can take that will really make a big difference, including finding out how big your lawn actually is right here!  And, get your soil tested.  By the way, <–that soil test is free with all of our Lawn Serv plans!

Feel free to reach out anytime with questions, we’re here to help!

Lawn Care Advice

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