
How big is my yard and sizing your lawn

Typically homes are bought and sold with information such as the square footage of your house and a total lot size. However that doesn’t give us great lawn care information. We as homeowners and yard maintainers really need to know the grassy area eliminating the house, driveway, shed, and other non-grassy areas. 

Fertilizer How To

The great part about technology is we can now do that measurement from ANYWHERE! Lawn Serv built a tool leveraging aerial photography built off of the Google Maps database that you can use for free here — http://www.myyardsize.com/ .  Below is a video on how it works.

It is very simple:

  • Put in your address
  • Plot points around the item you want to measure (cutting out your house, driveway, shed, etc). 
  • Read the number in the top left

Alternative Method:

  • Measuring Tape – section off areas, do a length by width calculation, add them all together
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